Cien años de soledad

Rigidkovrila, 456 paĝoj

Lingvo: Spanish

Eldonita je 28-a de februaro 1988 de Mondadori.

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5 steloj (1 recenzo)

Cien años de soledad es una novela del escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez, ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1982. Es considerada una obra maestra de la literatura hispanoamericana y universal, cumbre del denominado "realismo mágico". Es asimismo una de las obras más traducidas y leídas en español. Narra la historia de la familia Buendía a lo largo de siete generaciones en el pueblo ficticio de Macondo.

Cien años de soledad is considered the best work of García Márquez. A novel that narrates the vicisitudes of Aureliano Buendía in the mythic Macondo, a town in some unknown region of Colombia. This novel was written in the magic realism ("realismo mágico"), a style that mix together amazing elements taken by fiction and reality.

77 eldonoj

A superb reading experience

5 steloj

I have had One Hundred Years Of Solitude on my kindle for nearly a year now, since I enjoyed losing myself in my first Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel, Love In The Time Of Cholera. One Hundred Years is equally as immersive a novel which tells the story of a remote South American village from its inception to its happy years, on through a nationwide civil war, to its near destruction by greedy white industralists, and through years of constant monsoon-like deluge. I love the huge scale of the story, especially as it is contained within a single small village and, a lot of the time, in one large house.

The extended Buendia family are the central pivot and their matriarch, Ursula, is a great character. She sees several generations live and die, stay near or travel away, and all named for the generation before which leads to incredible potential confusion …


  • Spanish language books
  • Fiction
  • Social conditions
  • Macondo (Imaginary place)
  • novel
  • magic realism
  • Latinamerican literature
  • Condiciones sociales
  • Novela
  • Literatura épica
  • Epic literature
  • Macondo (Lugar imaginario)
  • Ficción
  • Spanish language materials
  • Ficcion
  • Translations into Arabic
  • Latin American fiction
  • Spanish fiction
  • Translations into Gujarati
  • Chang pian xiao shuo
  • Translations into Russian
  • Colombian fiction
  • Cliffs Notes
  • Magic realism (Literature)
  • Large type books
  • Dorf
  • Familie
  • Unabhängigkeitsbewegung
  • Romans, nouvelles
  • Conditions sociales