How Beautiful We Were

A Novel

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How Beautiful We Were (2022, Random House Publishing Group)

Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 10-a de novembro 2022 de Random House Publishing Group.

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3 steloj (1 recenzo)

10 eldonoj

A story which rings uncomfortably true

3 steloj

How Beautiful We Were is an environmental novel exploring how an American oil company's irresponsible practices and lack of care causes the gradual death of a small African village, Kosawa, from pollution. It'a David and Goliath story of a powerless people attempting to establish their right to Not have their farmlands regularly flooded by leaking oil pipes and Not to have their river used as a dumping ground for industrial waste. In the face of commercial and political greed through, and with the distant decision makers unaffected personally, Kosawa's Sisyphean struggle will take generations to be resolved.

Having already read a couple of early reviews, I was prepared for the change of pace that occurs after about a fifth of the novel. It's a realistic reflection of the changes of mindset in Kosawa, but I did find the device to be a little disconcerting as a reader. I wondered if …