Half of a Yellow Sun

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Half of a Yellow Sun (2019, HarperCollins Publishers Australia)

448 paĝoj

Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 20-a de novembro 2019 de HarperCollins Publishers Australia.

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4 steloj (2 recenzoj)

Half of a Yellow Sun is a novel by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Published in 2006 by Fourth Estate, the novel tells the story of the Biafran War through the perspective of the characters Olanna, Ugwu, and Richard.

34 eldonoj

Biafra-tietoutta romaanin muodossa

3 steloj

Romaani Biafran valtion synnystä, sen lyhyestä olemassaolosta, sodasta ja nälänhädästä. Keskiössä ovat Nigerian ehdottomaan eliittiin kuuluvan perheen kaksostyttäret, jotka ovat tottuneet rikkaaseen elämään mutta jotka sodan myötä joutuvat kärsimään siinä missä muutkin ja menettävät myös omaisuutensa. Sisällöllisesti kiinnostava kurkistus 1960-luvun juuri itsenäistyneeseen Nigeriaan ja sen sisäisiin ristiriitoihin, mutta kerronta oli vähemmän vetävää ja lukemista sai tehdä ihan tosissaan.


5 steloj

If I hadn't already read The Dollmaker in March then Half Of A Yellow Sun would certainly have been my Book Of The Month. Adichie's exploration of events leading up to and during the late 1960s civil war in Nigeria is a powerful indictment of irresponsible colonialism and also an emotionally moving historical novel. We see Nigeria and, for its brief existence, Biafra, through several eyes which enables Adichie to give a rounded portrayal of the disastrous attempt at independence. Already knowing how this battle will turn out means the whole of Half Of A Yellow Sun is tinged with poignancy, but I still found myself caught up in the excitement and self-belief of the Igbo people as they started to fight back against persecution.

I loved that our leading characters are such complicated people and their interconnected relationships allows us to see their actions from different perspectives. Twins are …


  • Nigeria, fiction
  • Fiction, historical
  • Fiction, war & military