Music and Silence

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Music and Silence (2011, Penguin Random House)

464 paĝoj

Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 19-a de novembro 2011 de Penguin Random House.

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4 steloj (1 recenzo)

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Didn't completely work for me

4 steloj

I've thoroughly enjoyed Rose Tremain's work in the past, her short story collection Evangelista's Fan being one that I really raved about, but I was a little disappointed with Music And Silence. That's not to say this is a poor novel, far from it but, like with Anne Tyler, I have certain high expectations for Tremain and I don't feel that Music And Silence quite got there.

I did love the historical evocation throughout the story. 1620s and 1630s royal Denmark comes vividly to life in all its bawdy, back-stabbing glory and Kirsten, King Christian IV's wife-but-not-actually-the-queen (it's a sore point!) has got to be one of my favourite female characters ever. She's gloriously confident in her sexuality, entirely self-centred and without a single shred of maternal conscience despite being the mother of numerous children. King Christian is also an inspired creation, quirky and tormented, but with a heart of …