Le château de Cassandra

Folio junior -- 1507

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Le château de Cassandra (French language, 2009, Gallimard jeunesse)

527 paĝoj

Lingvo: French

Eldonita je 31-a de aŭgusto 2009 de Gallimard jeunesse.

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5 steloj (2 recenzoj)

Le journal de Cassandra Mortmain, âgée de 17 ans. Entourée d'une famille excentrique, elle décrit son existence bohème dans un château en ruine perdu au fin fond de l'Angleterre.

55 eldonoj

A deserved classic

5 steloj

For some unknown reason I had managed to get completely the wrong idea about I Capture The Castle. I'd avoided reading it for years because I expected a kind of boys own adventure for younger readers! When I spotted a cheap paperback in a Torquay charity shop earlier this year however, I actually read the synopsis and realised my mistake! I'm so glad I did because I love this novel!

A vivid coming of age story, the title I Capture The Castle refers to our heroine, Cassandra who is attempting to hone her writing skills by capturing in prose all the details of her somewhat eccentric family and their life of genteel poverty in a ruined castle. Despite the perpetual cold and lack of sufficient food, I was absolutely entranced by the castle! The history of the place and the idea of its varied rooms and towers totally captured my …