I Who Have Never Known Men

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I Who Have Never Known Men (2019, Penguin Random House)

192 paĝoj

Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 19-a de novembro 2019 de Penguin Random House.

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4 steloj (1 recenzo)

11 eldonoj

A gripping dystopia

4 steloj

I Who Have Never Known Men is a disturbingly haunting story. A woman recounts her life to us although, from her earliest memories until the time she finds pen, paper and the inclination to write, she has no idea where she is or why she is there. As readers, we have no idea either. We are told of her immediate surroundings - of the cage and the other women locked inside it - in detail. We learn of the deprivations of their daily lives and of the silent guards forever pacing up and down. We know that the women originally lived in a society like ours because they remember it, but where the girl came from, nobody knows. Are they all caged for their own protection or as a punishment? Is there anyone else? Anywhere?

Harpman's writing is perfect for this novel. Her skill in being able to tell an …


  • Fiction, fantasy, general