The Secret Garden

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The Secret Garden (EBook, 2010, Penguin Group UK)


Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 19-a de novembro 2010 de Penguin Group UK.

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4 steloj (1 recenzo)

After the death of her parents, Mary Lennox is sent back from India to live in her uncle's huge, gloomy house on the English moors. Mary is lonely and miserable until she stumbles upon her disabled cousin Colin, hidden away from the world by his troubled father. Together they discover the door to a secret garden, and open up a world of freedom and enchantment that they could have never imagined . . .

47 eldonoj

Still inspirational

4 steloj

When my sister spotted on Facebook that I had signed up for the Classics Club Challenge, she kindly lent me three classics from her bookshelves: The Secret Garden, Heidi and Animal Farm (I do know Animal Farm isn't a kids' book!) The first two I haven't read in well over thirty years and I hadn't read Animal Farm at all so I was keen to start them. I remembered some of the illustrations in a Ladybird copy of The Secret Garden and am sure we must have had a full text version too, however a lot of the storyline details seemed new to me this time around.

The Secret Garden is, of course, a children's book, but I was happy reading it as an adult and I didn't think the prose style was particularly younger than some modern young adult novels I've read in the past few years! The adult …