Memories of Ice (Malazan Book of the Fallen, #3)

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Memories of Ice (Malazan Book of the Fallen, #3) (2006)

944 paĝoj

Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 26-a de septembro 2006

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Memories of Ice is an epic fantasy novel by Canadian writer Steven Erikson, the third volume in his series the Malazan Book of the Fallen. The events of Memories of Ice begin just after the first book, Gardens of the Moon, and at the same time as the second, Deadhouse Gates. Memories of Ice focuses on the renegade Malazan 2nd Army and their new allies on Genabackis, and their battle with the Pannion Domin, a new power emerging from the south of the continent. It also reveals a great deal more about the gods, ascendants and the history of the Imass, K'Chain Che'Malle and the Tiste races.

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