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Animal Farm (2021, Penguin Random House)

Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 7-a de oktobro 2021 de Penguin Random House.

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4 steloj (2 recenzoj)

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Predictable, but still profound

4 steloj

The basis and concept of Animal Farm have been reduplicated and pondered over so much at this point that the entire plot was extremely predictable. However, it still expresses it and makes you think in a way that is very profound, and I think with the context of the surface-level message (how social movements, especially Marxist ones, devolve) you're able to see some of the deeper analogies like the types of working class people that Boxer, the rats, Benjamin, etc. represent and how that informs one's ideology. That's what makes it a classic, and a must-read for anyone anywhere.


  • English literature