Genderqueer Fantasy Publika

Kreita kaj estrata de lastblossom

Fantasy featuring one or more leads who are trans, non-binary, or otherwise genderqueer.

  1. lastblossom diras:

    The characters? Main character is non binary.
    The world building? The main location has rigid gender identities and is largely hostile.
    Romance? Some, but it's a middle grade novel, so barely.

  2. Witch King de 

    5 steloj

    After being murdered, his consciousness dormant and unaware of the passing of time while confined in an elaborate water trap, …

    lastblossom diras:

    The characters? Main character is a demon who inhabits various human bodies regardless of sex or gender identity.
    The world building? Various cultures have differing approaches to the gender binary (or lack thereof).
    Romance? Supporting characters.

  3. Mask of Shadows de 

    Neniu takso

    A young thief fights to claim the position of one of the Queen's personal assassins, confronting world-shattering surprises at every …

    lastblossom diras:

    The characters? Main character is genderfluid.
    The world building? Queerness uncommon, but not unheard of.
    Romance? Yes. Slow burn. Has kissing.

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