Ròna Agus MacCodruim

A Short Novel for Gaelic Learners

Lingvo: Scottish Gaelic

Eldonita je 17-a de januaro 2018 de Independently Published.

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4 steloj (2 recenzoj)

MacCodruim lives a lonely life as a fisherman in Scotland. His loneliness comes to an end when he meets the beautiful and mysterious Ròna. Although she seems a bit outlandish, he falls in love with her and they start a family together. They live a charmed life, yet something isn’t right. Will MacCodruim discover who Ròna truly is? Will Ròna learn his secret; one that could tear them apart?

This novel is part of the Arcos Series Learn Gaelic with Folk Tales for beginning and intermediate language learners. With limited vocabulary and a strong focus on high frequent language structures, these short novels make the beautiful Gaelic language and folk tale culture easily accessible to learners. Enjoy reading!

1 eldono

An dàrna leughadh / The second reading

4 steloj

Leugh mi an leabhar seo a-rithist an t-seachdain seo, còig mìosan deug às deidh a' chiad leughadh. Chrìochnaich mi e ann an nas lugha a uair a thìde. Cha robh agam ach trì faclan a lorg! Tha mi glè thoilichte gu bheil a' Ghàidhlig agam air fàs cho mòr. Bha Ròna agus MacCodruim caran doirbh dhomh a leughadh an-uiridh.

Bha mi air a bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig airson beagan mìosan nuair a leugh mi Ròna agus MacCodruim an-uiridh. Bha mi air a bhith a' cleachadh bhideothan YouTube Jason agus, nuair a chunnaic mi na leabhraichean aige, bha mi dèidheil iad a leughadh. 'S e beul-aithris Cheilteach a bhrosnaich an sgeulachd seo, gu h-àraid sgeulachdan seileach.

Tha an sgeulachd sìmplidh, ach tha mìon-fiosrachadh snog innte mu bheatha agus dachaigh MhicCodruim. Bidh faclan agus seantasan gan ath-aithris a tha feumail do luchd-ionnsachadh. Tha deagh àbhachdas anns an sgeulachd cuideachd.

I read this …

recenzis Ròna Agus MacCodruim de Jason Bond

Leugh mi leabhar Gàidhlig!

4 steloj

Leugh mi leabhar Gàidhlig! Tha mi cho toilichte agus caran pròiseil! (I read a Gaelic book! I am so happy and somewhat proud!)

I'd been learning Scottish Gaelic for a few months at the time I first read Ròna agus MacCodruim, using the Duolingo course and also been making use of Jason Bond's excellent YouTube videos so, when I spotted he had written a couple of short fairytale books for Gaelic beginners, I was keen to give them a try.

Ròna agus MacCodruim is inspired by selkie folktales. The narrative itself is pretty simple, but fleshed out with details of MacCodruim's island home so it's an interesting tale yet still short enough not to intimidate someone who needs to visit the glossary a few times for every page - and sometimes to repeatedly look up the same word several pages running. Grrr! Practically every word is translated in the glossary …


  • Folktales
