
Book one in the Dune Chronicles Dune (1)

Paperback, 535 paĝoj

Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 1-a de septembro 1990 de Ace Books.

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4 steloj (1 recenzo)

Contains appendices and extra material.

48 eldonoj

expansive universe, exhausting writing style

4 steloj

it took me ages to get through this. not because it's bad, probably mostly because i repaired my computer and had.. other things on my mind. but also partly because herbert's style reminds me of tolkien. like, a lot. at least in the sense that herbert really wants you to read his mediocre poetry too.

this isn't bad by any means, and i will surely read on in the future. probably around the time the second movie hits. the characters are fleshed-out and there's surprisingly little overt misogyny for a science fiction book that is, at this point, positively ancient. it's just the constant internal monologuing and then rushing through the actual happenings that gets exhausting after a while.