Tortilla Flat

Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 1-a de junio 1997

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Tortilla Flat (1935) is an early John Steinbeck novel set in Monterey, California. The novel was the author's first clear critical and commercial success. The book portrays a group of 'paisanos'—literally, countrymen—a small band of errant friends enjoying life and wine in the days after the end of World War I. Tortilla Flat was made into a film in 1942. Steinbeck later returned to some of the panhandling locals of Monterey (though not the Mexican paisanos of the Flat) in his novel Cannery Row (1945).

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A vivid portrayal

4 steloj

I don't often read John Steinbeck but always love his books when I do. I think Cannery Row is still my favourite so far, but there's still lots of his books I haven't read. I bought Tortilla Flat straight after finishing La Perle with the intention of making a slightly bigger dent in the Steinbeck back catalogue this year. Tortilla Flat predates Cannery Row by about a decade and, without being too sniffy I hope, this does show. The novels are geographically very close to each other and their central characters share strong resemblances too. It feels almost as though Cannery Riw is a matured Tortilla Flat. Basically, a group of deadbeats and drunks are scraping by, sometimes by legal means and sometimes in a more shady fashion. I loved the relationship dynamics between the group of friends. They share a convoluted code of ethics where crimes such as theft …