Stephanie Jane recenzis Deirdre agus an Rìgh de Jason Bond
Deirdre bhochd / Poor Deirdre
5 steloj
Is fior thoil leam an leabhar seo! Bha e an dàrna leabhar Gàidhlig a leugh mi agus leugh mi e nas luaithe na Ròna Agus MacCodruim ged a bha e nas duilghe. Thuig mi as motha na faclan ged chleachd mi an fhaclair bho àm gu àm. Tha an sgeulachd gu math inntinneach. Chòrd na beachdan beul-aithris rium - dh'fheumadh an gaisgeach gruaidhean cho dearg ri fuil agus falt cho dubh ri fitheach! Bha an sgeulachd brònach ge-tà. Deirdre bhochd.
I really liked this book! It was the second Gaelic book I read and I read it faster than Ròna Agus MacCodruim although it was more difficult. I understood most of the words although I used the dictionary from time to time. The story is really interesting. I enjoyed the fairytale ideas - the warrior needed cheeks as red as blood and hair as black as a raven! The story …
Is fior thoil leam an leabhar seo! Bha e an dàrna leabhar Gàidhlig a leugh mi agus leugh mi e nas luaithe na Ròna Agus MacCodruim ged a bha e nas duilghe. Thuig mi as motha na faclan ged chleachd mi an fhaclair bho àm gu àm. Tha an sgeulachd gu math inntinneach. Chòrd na beachdan beul-aithris rium - dh'fheumadh an gaisgeach gruaidhean cho dearg ri fuil agus falt cho dubh ri fitheach! Bha an sgeulachd brònach ge-tà. Deirdre bhochd.
I really liked this book! It was the second Gaelic book I read and I read it faster than Ròna Agus MacCodruim although it was more difficult. I understood most of the words although I used the dictionary from time to time. The story is really interesting. I enjoyed the fairytale ideas - the warrior needed cheeks as red as blood and hair as black as a raven! The story was sad though. Poor Deirdre.