Deirdre agus an Rìgh

A short novel for Gaelic learners

Poŝlibro, 89 paĝoj

Eldonita je 21-a de septembro 2020 de Arcos Publishers.

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5 steloj (1 recenzo)

Deirdre - am boireannach as brèagha ann an Èirinn. Tha Rìgh Conchobhar ga h-iarraidh ach tha i airson duine eile a phòsadh: gaisgeach a chunnaic i ann an aisling. Tha Deirdre a’ dol ga lorg, agus tha plana aig an rìgh. Tha na saighdearan aige a’ tighinn ... Gaelic language learner literature

This novel is part of the Arcos Series of Gaelic folk tales for beginning and intermediate language learners. With a limited vocabulary and a strong focus on high frequency verbs and language structures, these short novels make the Scottish Gaelic language and folk tale culture easily accessible to learners. Enjoy reading!

Contains an extended and optimized Gaelic-English glossary. This glossary helps you to understand the story more easily and spend less time looking up words.

1 eldono

Deirdre bhochd / Poor Deirdre

5 steloj

Is fior thoil leam an leabhar seo! Bha e an dàrna leabhar Gàidhlig a leugh mi agus leugh mi e nas luaithe na Ròna Agus MacCodruim ged a bha e nas duilghe. Thuig mi as motha na faclan ged chleachd mi an fhaclair bho àm gu àm. Tha an sgeulachd gu math inntinneach. Chòrd na beachdan beul-aithris rium - dh'fheumadh an gaisgeach gruaidhean cho dearg ri fuil agus falt cho dubh ri fitheach! Bha an sgeulachd brònach ge-tà. Deirdre bhochd.

I really liked this book! It was the second Gaelic book I read and I read it faster than Ròna Agus MacCodruim although it was more difficult. I understood most of the words although I used the dictionary from time to time. The story is really interesting. I enjoyed the fairytale ideas - the warrior needed cheeks as red as blood and hair as black as a raven! The story …