White Thinking

Behind the Mask of Racial Identity

Lingvo: English

Eldonita je 8-a de decembro 2022 de Hero.

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5 steloj (1 recenzo)

What does it mean to be white? Beyond just a skin colour, is it also a way of thinking? If so, how did it come about, and why?

In this book, drawing on history, personal experience and activist literature, the former footballer and World Champion Lilian Thuram looks at the origins and workings of white thinking, how it divides us and how it has become ubiquitous and accepted without challenge. He demonstrates how centuries of white bias and denial justified slavery and colonialism, and have reinforced norms and structures of oppression, limiting the roles and horizons of both non-whites and whites alike.

Crucially, while White Thinking is a critique of ingrained structural inequities, it calls for an inclusive approach to solving the problem, and aims to raise awareness and imagine a new world in which all of humanity is given equal weight.

2 eldonoj

So profound, so eye-opening, so thought-provoking

5 steloj

It has taken me far longer than usual to review White Thinking because this book is so profound, so eye-opening, so thought-provoking. Lilian Thuram looks back several centuries into the past to uncover the original development of White Thinking and then demonstrates in brilliantly well-researched detail how this state of mind has driven human activity across the globe, leading us to the vast inequalities we experience today. Thuram is wonderfully erudite, unpacking complex concepts so that I never felt left behind. White Thinking is essentially an intellectual survey of biased sociological and political processes, but it is also a very readable book and one which I hope will fire up other readers as much as it did me.

Thuram tackles a wide range of subjects from colonialist genocides and their lasting impact to locker room talk. His book manages to link the personal to the global and I particularly appreciated …