Summary: Karel is een wat bezadigde vijftiger met een lieve vrouw, Simone, vast werk en …
Terrific read from long-time #Urbanus cartoonist Willy Linthout.
5 steloj
Terrific read from long-time #Urbanus cartoonist Willy Linthout. An autobiographic #GraphicNovel, tragic but humorous, #surreal, yet real. Beautiful line plus sketch style, which works really well here, telling a story of #suicide, #grief, loss, fabrications of the mind, and much more.
Picked up at local thriftstore. Excellent find, a #BrechtEvens#GraphicNovel / #comic, every page aparently published in the children's annex of 'Brussel Deze Week', every other week. Weird, humorous, dark, and bad jokes.
Nice #GraphicNovel. It took some pages to get into the book, but especially from where the author and main character is an adult this work turns out really nicely. The anecdotes and lessons improve along the way, and his drawing style - nice and clean - fits and adds to the entire reading experience.
#GraphicNovel by #DavidSala. Nice style fitting the story. The historic parts - second world war, Spanish civil war - are most interesting / best told. Further towards the end it gets a bit unfocused.
Apparently, looking at the backside of the book and the prices and accolades, the Lunar Chronicles series are (or were?) a thing. Before finding this #GraphicNovel in our public library, I had not heard about it. But it could be that I'm not necessarily the audience aimed for.
This graphic novel apparently takes place after the happenings in the original five books. It's told from the perspective of an android, although not entirely consistently. In short, it's about - what they call - wolf-hybrid soldiers threatening peace on earth, and between the moon and earth, this aforementioned android going after them, and a subset of these soldiers then going after her friends (the main characters of the first five books).
Not a big fan on the graphic art. A lot looks the same, like the characters. The monochrome style probably doesn't help either. Although a style like that can add …
Apparently, looking at the backside of the book and the prices and accolades, the Lunar Chronicles series are (or were?) a thing. Before finding this #GraphicNovel in our public library, I had not heard about it. But it could be that I'm not necessarily the audience aimed for.
This graphic novel apparently takes place after the happenings in the original five books. It's told from the perspective of an android, although not entirely consistently. In short, it's about - what they call - wolf-hybrid soldiers threatening peace on earth, and between the moon and earth, this aforementioned android going after them, and a subset of these soldiers then going after her friends (the main characters of the first five books).
Not a big fan on the graphic art. A lot looks the same, like the characters. The monochrome style probably doesn't help either. Although a style like that can add to the style of a book; just not here, it seems. Story-wise, everything sounds rather simplistic and I can't shed the feeling that I'm reading a book written for teenagers. Hence my earlier comment about me not being the intended audience. I might ask the library to move these to the young adult or teenager section. All in all, likable, but superficial.
The idea of the original books, being science fictional twists on classic #FairyTales does sound intriguing, putting the female protagonists forward as strong women instead of passive bystanders. Perhaps I'll have a look whether I can find the first of these.
Rereading this after seeing post on finishing the Pacific Crest Trail. #PacificCrestTrail Some day I'd like to do one of the big North American trails myself, most likely one of the #cycling trails.