Books, comics and graphic novels I've read from the Whoniverse.
Doctor Who Publika
Kreita de Stephanie Jane
Doctor Who: Free Comic Book Day de Mariano Laclaustra, Carlos Cabrera, Alex Paknadel, kaj 3 aliaj
4 steloj
"Welcome to the 2017 Free Comic Book Day Doctor Who Spectacular!
The Doctor has only just started travelling with a …
Doctor Who: Free Comic Book Day de Rob Williams, Luis Guerrero, Arianna Florean, kaj 7 aliaj
4 steloj
Take a blistering trip through time and space with three stunning ALL-NEW short stories featuring Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor and …
Doctor Who: Free Comic Book Day de Arianna Florean, Simon Spurrier, Rob Williams, kaj 10 aliaj
4 steloj
Jump on board the TARDIS with FOUR all-new short tales of the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors! Whether you're …
Doctor Who and the Planet of the Daleks de Terrance Dicks
5 steloj
Injured after a shoot-out between his old nemesis the Master and the Ogrons, slaves to the evil Daleks, the Doctor …
Doctor Who: The Mind Robber de Peter Ling, Derek Jacobi
4 steloj
To escape a catastrophic volcanic eruption the Doctor takes the TARDIS out of space and time - and into a …
Doctor Who and the Invisible Enemy de John Leeson, Terrance Dicks
5 steloj
John Leeson stars in this exciting novelisation of a classic adventure for the Fourth Doctor - and the introduction of …
Doctor Who and Warriors' Gate de John Leeson, John Lydecker, Jon Culshaw
5 steloj
Jon Culshaw reads this iconic novelisation of a Fourth Doctor TV adventure, newly restored and extended by the author
The …