Romanzi e storie con personaggi dello spettro asessuale: la lista prende spunto dall'AroAce Database di Claudie Arseneault (, che vi invito a visitare per maggiori informazioni sulla rilevanza del personaggio all'interno della storia e sulla sua precisa identità sessuale.
Libri con personaggi asessuali Publika
Kreita kaj estrata de Baylee
Conseguenze Inaspettate de Abigail Roux
Dopo essere sopravvissuto per un pelo a una sparatoria a New Orleans, l’infermiere militare dei Sidewinder, Kelly Abbott, ha dovuto …
1 stelo
Tutto inizia con Tony DeMarco, un investigatore privato, che per seguire un’indagine sull’omicidio di una giovane donna finge di essere …
Jordan O’Neill non è un fan delle etichette: ne ha già fin troppe. Gay, geek, bibliotecario, inetto sociale, cianciatore nervoso, …
La locanda dei cuori solitari de Serena Stagi
Rebecca è single, vive a New York (che ama), scrive per un blog di lifestyle (che detesta) e va matta …
Sere from the Green de Lauren Jankowski
There is a race that lives among humans, unbeknownst to them, called shape shifters, those that can shift from human …
City of Strife de Claudie Arseneault
"A hundred and thirty years have passed since Arathiel last set foot in his home city. Isandor hasn’t changed—bickering merchant …
Daybreak Rising de Kiran Oliver
Celosia Brennan was supposed to be a hero. After a spectacular failure that cost her people their freedom, she is …
A Librarians-and-Necromancy Fantasy with Small Town Charm in a City of the Dead
The others believe in blood and bone. …
Island of exiles de Erica Cameron
"In Khyas world, every breath is a battle. On the isolated desert island of Shiara, dying young is inevitable. The …
Sing Sweet Nightingale de Erica Cameron
Mariella Teagen hasn't spoken a word in four years.
She pledged her voice to Orane, the man she loves—someone she …
It is on the cusp of summer that strange angels of eyes and wings appear throughout the world, and a …
From Under the Mountain de C.M. Spivey
As the second child of the Aridan imperial family, nineteen-year-old Guerline knows exactly what is expected of her: be unobtrusive, …
Chameleon Moon de RoAnna Sylver
5 steloj
Mycroft Canner is a convict. For his crimes he is required, as is the custom of the 25th century, to …
Unburied Fables de Elspeth Willems, Will Shughart, Amy Michelle, kaj 12 aliaj
This collection enlisted talent around the world. From students to seasoned professionals, these writers came together to raise awareness and …
Jack of Thorns de Amelia Faulkner
Florist. Psychic. Addict. Laurence Riley coasts by on good looks and natural charm, but underneath lies a dark chasm that …